
Ehestie vanesse ilya indonya

【The Wizard of OZ】Over the Rainbow 昆雅语 自译


O'n Iluquinga

Over the Rainbow

       Min nórë o'n iluquinga,ta orwa pella

(Somewhere over the rainbow,way up high)

       Ta nórë'n nëa hlarnen lirolornen

(There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby)

       Min nórë o'n iluquinga,vaili nar luini

(Somewhere over the rainbow,skies are blue)

       Ar i mauri'n nolot óla anwavë tanar!

(And the dreams that you dare to dream really does come true!)

       Min aurë nye elenenna

(Someday I'll wish upon a star)

       ná cuivëa yassë'n fanyar nar nillo lembë

(and wake up where the clouds are far behind me)

       Yassë mornië tiquë ve limbar

(Where troubles melt like lemon drops)

       Or i cassi rucuva,

(Away above the chimney tops,)

       ta yassë hiruvalyen!

(that's where you'll find me!)

       Min nórë o'n iluquinga,aiwi wilir

(Somewhere over the rainbow,bluebirds fly)

       Aiwi wilir o'n iluquinga,manan umin polë?

(Birds fly over the rainbow,why then oh why then oh why can't I?)

       Qui valini aiwi wilir,i iluquinga pella

(If happy little bluebirds fly,beyond the rainbow)

       Manan umin polë?

(Why oh why can't I?)

